Marisa Mansfield, LISW RPT

We don’t have to do it alone, we were never meant to.

-Brene Brown

Find Marisa’s bio and credentials, click here.

Play it.

Marisa is a Registered Play Therapist which means that she uses play therapy regularly in her practice. She specializes in the treatment of elementary school children that suffer from symptoms of trauma, anxiety, ADHD and many more.

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Subscribe to Marisa’s newsletter Engaged in Clinical Combat to discover interventions, thoughts on recent events impacting child mental health, and find ways to connect with kids using relevant topics.

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Request Marisa for a training on topics related to child mental health, trauma, or preventing burnout for educators.


Traumatic events and significant loses can result in long term behavioral impacts for the child. Using trauma informed care to guide practice, Marisa allows the child to set the pace for their recovery and provides them with the tools to safely share their story.

Healing wounds

Not all children who are active or have a difficult time sitting still have ADHD. Marisa uses a variety of techniques to help promote self regulation (self-soothing strategies) for children to regain control over their bodies and be present in moments that matter most. Sensory regulation and synergetic play therapy techniques are regularly used in practice.

Connecting mind & body


Using a combination of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, person centered therapy techniques and exposure therapy, Marisa has assisted children and their families in overcoming their anxiety and encouraging them to live their best lives.

Gaining courage



The client is the expert in their own lives and their own experiences.

Marisa Mansfield, LISW